Digital Marketing

Lead Generation: Importance and Key Tactics

In a bid to boost traffic and revenue for your brand, one route to take is lead generation. Businesses utilize lead generation to foster brand awareness and growth and identify trends in customer behavior.

There are many marketing strategies to adopt as a business owner, and it’s challenging to compete strongly by adopting one alone. But out of the lot, why is lead generation so vital and popular among marketers?

Find all the answers here.

What is lead generation

Lead generation is a digital marketing technique that involves identifying potential customers, stirring their interest, and nurturing them until they buy your product or service.

A lead is any potential customer who has shown interest but hasn’t decided to buy. They can come through any source, such as your Facebook ad, blog post, or some information they encounter about your business. They may visit your website but not because they have decided to buy. A lead may simply want to learn more.

By nurturing a lead down your sales funnel, you can persuade them to convert. That lead might have otherwise bounced off because of distraction or attraction by your competitors.

The importance of lead generation

Lead gen is a crucial part of the sales process of any company. So having a lead generation strategy is important. You can augment your sales with lead generation by actively nurturing interested visitors down your marketing funnel. In that case, you wouldn’t be banking on the impulse of leads. With lead generation, you don’t hope to make a sale by chance. Instead, you actively draw and persuade people to buy.

But even more important is that lead generation helps you to streamline your marketing efforts to only potential customers. It’s easier to persuade someone who has shown interest in (or needs) a product than someone who has nothing to do with it.

Businesses today rely heavily on lead gen to provide the traffic they need to improve conversion rates. And a boost in conversion indicates growth.

Thankfully, Google and other search engines have enabled businesses to connect with the right customers looking for them. This can be implemented through the use of keywords. For example, by ranking for the keyword “personal injury attorney near me,” you can link up with nearby clients who need your legal services.

And when the user visits your website and finds what they’re looking for because you’ve optimized it explicitly for them, the chances of converting skyrocket.

Key tactics to implement an effective lead gen strategy

Having understood the importance of lead generation to your business, how do you implement it?

Here are proven tips to help:

  • Create relevant content

One thing you must know about your target audience is that there are specific questions they are asking. They may not be out to make a purchase but might need some information. For example, an entrepreneur may be looking for tips on how to grow their revenue, manage resources and employees, etc. As a B2B service provider, publishing content that solves these challenges is advisable. This allows your target audience to find you when they search on Google.

Although they naturally are not thinking of buying anything at that point, you can persuade them to subscribe to your newsletter for more valuable tips. They’re more likely to do so if your content is useful. Now that you have their email, you’ve drawn a lead into your sales funnel.

  • Target your audience on social media

Social media is one of the best platforms to market your brand these days. There are Facebook ads and other promoted content to use to target your potential customers. Social media marketing has become the biggest connecting hub between people and the products and services they need.

That said, you don’t always have to be salesy on social media. People are out to have fun and be informed, so leverage their desire. Dish out engaging content relevant to your target audience, and your brand becomes ingrained in their minds as they continually engage.

  • Optimize your website and content

Even when you write relevant content, your target audience might not find it because you didn’t optimize it with the right search keywords. So you want to ensure you optimize every content and blog post you create specifically for user queries.

In addition, you must optimize your website for both Google and your target customer. That’s because even though you succeed in compelling a user to click through into your website, they may bounce off if they don’t find what they’re looking for. For example, it doesn’t make sense to rank a blog post for “how to” only for the user to find some salesy content. They wanted information, not a product to buy.

To optimize for Google, ensure you keep up with the ever-changing ranking algorithms.

 Lead generation may require a lot of effort, time, tools, and money, but it’s always worth it when done right. The ultimate result is that your business and revenue will grow.

John Peter

John is a professional technology blogger who has been doing blogging for the last 5 years. He loves to write & share content about web development, software programming, digital marketing, SEO, social media, tech gadgets, etc.