Mobile apps development

A Realistic Perspective of the Mobile App Development Timeline

“The rich and interactive experiences we have come to expect on mobile apps have created new standards and expectations for all digital media including the web. The result is websites are evolving to become more app-like in their rich functionality.” Raj Aggarwal, CEO of Local tics

A mobile application has gradually integrated into the business world. A company – regardless of its size – is incomplete without a mobile application. As one individual is diving into the aspects of Mobile App Development, the need to carefully understand the app development process to accurately estimate its timeline arises.

As predicted, companies demand to be aware of when they will be allowed to launch the mobile application on the market. Thus, methodical and comprehensive planning is vital.

As we know, the basic process of mobile app development takes a considerate amount of time. Keep in mind, every mobile application is unique with several varying features. Such aspects directly impact the development time of the application. So, a concrete answer is tough to provide as the estimate for how long it takes to develop an application varies.

 However, today, we will explain the realistic timeline of app development and present a list of the mobile app development chicago.

Phases of App Development – Brief Introduction

There are numerous phases of developing an application. Here are the objectives that are to be understood.

Evaluation of the Company

There are experts for this aspect of app development. As it is already understood that the business demands an application but they are unclear about the vision they have; this is when these analysts step in. They provide several services to these businesses and companies. These services may vary from consultancy on the overall outlook of the application to the nitty-gritty details such as the features.

If the company has a distinct target audience, then an extensive market research would be conducted to comprehend its weak points and challenges. This would lead to the team researching as to whether they can or cannot solve those issues through the app.

Simply put, the team of experts lays out the arrangement of the application development process and such necessities for the said app. This stage is essential to provide complete satisfaction to the business.

This particular research can take up to 25-30 days.

User Experience Design

User Experience Design or UX Design deals with all grounds that make the application easy-to-use. The main goal is to make sure that the users consider the application a delight to interact with. It is a basic categorizing of the functioning of the app. UX mainly deals with fields and button positions as well as screens. This is the arrangement of the overview of the screen and where these buttons would be located.

This process takes up to 20-30 days.

User Interface Design

Your application should be visually pleasant. The User Interface Design or UI Design deals with the visual stylistics of the applications. The designers develop such designs that make the overall application look attractive. The color schema of the app, transitions along with effects are added on this stage. UI includes adding selected fonts, font width, texture and shapes.

The general look of the app is to be matched to the aesthetic of the business. Simplicity and productivity are the main goals here. This can take up to 15-25 days. It depends on the interface you are opting for.

Rigorous Testing

Once the app has been developed, which takes another roughly 4-5 months, it is time to launch the mobile application. In order to launch the app on the market, it has to go through some rigorous testing. It is suggested to start testing early though. The further you are in the process and do the testing, the more expensive it is going to be to fix the bugs.

The application should be tested for things as general – usability, compatibility and security – to complex interface features. Testing requires a check of stress and performance too. The most essential test is user acceptance. To perform this test, the application is presented to a few people that fit the description of the target audience. Once they have evaluated the app, the developers ask questions that are of extreme relevance.

Testing can take up to 4-5 weeks.

Support and Maintenance

After your app has successfully been launched, the only thing to worry about is post-launching support and maintenance. This is an operation that provides frequent updates to fix any bugs. In addition to this, the team provides careful app observation to manage any abnormal behavior. This is another vital stage.

Although, app development does not end at launch. As soon as users get a hold of your applications, constructive criticism along with remarks is bound to roll in. Through maintenance and support, you can easily incorporate these ‘feedbacks’ into future versions of your app. Every app will need updates and new features.

This process can be considered infinite or as long as the application is in use.

Also Read: Top 16 Mobile Applications That Every Entrepreneur Should Use

Points to Remember for a Functional Application

Quality of the Application

As there are millions of applications readily available in the market already – one vital part of the application process you should ensure is uniqueness. And what would be the best way to market your application with the brand of uniqueness attached? Quality.

Users opt for substitutes 21 percent of the time due to the lack of top-notch quality. It is a vivid contrast between the application efficiency they are promised to. Quality is a highly important factor as this aspect simply generates more users and results in a boost in customers.

Size of the Application

The size has a major effect on the timeline. The bigger the size, the longer it will take the developers to launch the application. Under this, one has to determine the scope of the app, depth, the amount of features, as well as the purpose of the app.

There are 4 vital keys in this.

1. Scope

This refers to the outreach of the application. If the target audience is local residents then there will be no issue in gaining customers. But, if the targeted customers are in a specific region or even globally then a company that is a development expert would be recommended.

2. Depth

The depth of an application refers to user accessibility. If the user demands new features every time, they use then the development would take longer than usual. In the case of necessities – the application is used only when required – then it would not take as long.

3. Features

This is another version of depth. The increased number of features would add to the time of the development such as the basic features would result in the app being launched in record time.

4. Purpose

A clear sense of purpose should be available for the application. The accurate reason behind it for the developers as well as the users. Simply put, is it helpful or not?

Developers of the Application

Last but not least, all of these factors depend entirely on the mobile app development company that you choose to build the application. Several options are available for this such as a freelance developer or simply, a company.

Many companies deliver efficient applications at budget-friendly prices. These companies prove to be suitable as they bring the customer’s vision to life. They understand your business which allows them to develop an application that stays true to your message.

Best Mobile App Development Firms – Chicago

1. Tekrevol

Tekrevol’s team of exceptional coders and developers are considered pioneers of the app development industry. Their expertise in mobile app development is available in Chicago. They design charming, well-built and user-friendly apps for Android and iPhone devices.

Tekrevol’s App developers in Chicago completely understand the competitiveness of the market. So, they make certain that your app only has limitations by imagination. Can only be limited by imagination.

2. Far Shore

Far Shore, a Chicago based Mobile App development company, has been providing service to businesses for more than 15 years. Far Shore’s partners range from Fortune 1000 companies to consumer-facing startups.

They have the most robust mobile and web development teams. Additionally, the company is supported by graphic design, testing, and architecture resources. The structure of the company allows clients to have an entirely customized solution that adjusts to meet the demands of the customers with ease.

3. Simpalm

Simpalm is also a Mobile App development company that is based in Chicago. The company has technical expertise in mobile app development along with professional project management.

They have broad-ranging clients that come in every size and shape such as Startups, Nonprofits, and Fortune 5000 companies. Moreover, each Simpalm project has a customer-approved rating which outlines all challenges and solutions faced by the users.


An application is an integral part of a business but it is expensive. While comprehending the process of mobile application development in Chicago, you should consider removing features and such that cost extra. We hope this article was helpful and proves to be fruitful.

John Peter

John is a professional technology blogger who has been doing blogging for the last 5 years. He loves to write & share content about web development, software programming, digital marketing, SEO, social media, tech gadgets, etc.

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