
How is Technology Empowering the Online Shopping Experiences?

Over the past few years, the mania of online shopping is touching new skies of hopes and success for all eCommerce retailers. And now, it has become an indispensable segment of the global economy, highlighting online shopping as a significant contributor to it.

Like the other business industries, eCommerce has undergone a considerable transformation, followed by the usage of technology and the internet. All thanks to the digital revolution making our lives easier and convenient in all manners. And why not when it has so much to offer you.

Talking about the actual facts and figures, Statista reveals that in 2020, up to two billion people shopped online services and products, which added 4.2 trillion U.S. dollars to the global economy. And now Statista experts estimate that the e-retail store revenue generation may touch 5.4 trillion U.S dollars by the end of 2022. This will make online shopping one of the most prominent online activities and businesses be a part of.

The blend of technology and online shopping

If shopping without stepping out of your cocoon is possible, it is all because of the technology and digital revolution. This has expanded the size and scope of the eCommerce retail market, which opened the gateway to many job opportunities, businesses, and employment options for the young generation. The way it has transformed the world and made it so better for the business world, the day is not far when all of us will be hopping on an online business opportunity assisting us in making handsome profits.

Additionally, a big thanks to the pro applications and software makes everything look so easy and possible. From tracking orders to choosing a preferred payment method, online shopping apps have made it all possible through one platform. Plus, online shopping exposure is best to save your time, keep up with your window shopping habits while helping you grab the best options available for you.

How is technology making online shopping better than ever before?

Let’s face the fact, many people still believe in the concept of exploring the product personally by visiting a nearby physical store and then purchasing it. But things have changed after AI (artificial intelligence) has approached the online retail market, making it more transparent and more accessible for customers to believe in online products and services.

Smart chatbots

However, online shopping was doing good from the beginning, but the absence of human touch made many online shoppers skip it. To this, the industry professionals introduced the concept of artificial intelligence and made proper use of it. One of the biggest illustrations of AI is chatbots which have made it easier to answer the frequent queries of curious online shoppers like you. For example, chatbots are becoming a great source of communicating and addressing the basic needs coming to your online store. A chatbot (a pop-up window) asks for inputs and reverts promptly with a satisfactory response. Many online stores use it to accept online orders, payments, raise the issue or complaint of the customer regarding a product or service, etc.


No one would love to open the laptop to check every minor detail of the order placed. And that’s where you realize the importance of some happening online shopping apps the most. Such apps teach you a way to shop smart and stay updated with a click. Believe it or not, several online shopping apps allow you to select a product, engage, and negotiate for your preferred price. All these lucrative factors are leading the game of online shopping to a whole new level.

Voice recognition assistance

The latest technology is going beyond one’s imagination. Imagine those days when you, being a kid, used to wish if a fairy tale could listen to our orders and follow them. Well, technology has turned it into a reality for all of us. The infusion of voice recognition assistants like – Siri or Alexa has made our lives more accessible than ever before.

For instance, if you are tired and don’t wish even to touch your phone but want to order a present for the love of your life, all you have to do is ask Siri or Alexa for this favor. Just say, ‘Hey, Siri’ or ‘Hey Google’ or ‘Alexa, Hello’ before giving any command to these digital assistants. And your job will be done in no time. It’s that easy!

Payment methods getting better

Many of us who have been witnessing several changes in online shopping and payment methods can see the difference for sure. Earlier, any online shopping website was used to redirect the user to a new payment method page. This created a fuss or interruption in the seamless shopping experience. But now, you need not leave the website you are shopping from, and you can complete the order in one go. This has reduced the hassles from a customer’s point of view while adding to the trust factor of an eCommerce website.


As a layman online shopper who has zero technical knowledge about the behind-the-screen process, it is interesting to know that online shopping gives a marketer complete access to know customers’ preferences and choices. This is called behavioral analytics or cookie collection. However, the whole purpose of collecting cookies or trash information was to fasten up the shopping experience. Still, now it is helping many digital marketers check their users’ online shopping behavior. If we talk in the typical marketing language, it is referred to as behavioral analytics following the customer journey.

Bottom line

Unarguably, the combination of online shopping and technology has made the online shopping experience better than ever before. The journey is becoming surreal and fast from choosing the product till checkout, like 1, 2, and 3. Everything in this sphere is getting better with time to keep the present generation intact with the online shopping module. What adds value to this complete digital concept is a mobile-friendly shopping interface, life-like chatbots, online payment gateways, and much more.

John Peter

John is a professional technology blogger who has been doing blogging for the last 5 years. He loves to write & share content about web development, software programming, digital marketing, SEO, social media, tech gadgets, etc.

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