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AI vs. Machine Learning: Their Differences and Impacts

Nowadays, artificial intelligence and machine learning have become hot topics in the technological and business environment. Many of us are unaware that we are already using Artificial Intelligence. But Why do we need them? What makes artificial intelligence and machine learning very popular? To know the answer, let us learn about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in detail. 

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is a compound of “Artificial” and “Intelligence,” meaning man-made thinking power. So, Artificial Intelligence can be defined as a technology that allows us to create smart systems that can mimic human intelligence. 

Now, let us know why we need Artificial Intelligence with the help of an example. In every industry, there will be some work that we can automate. Automating routine work through simple programs or machines can save time, reduce human resources, and increase productivity. So with Artificial intelligence, the organization can get skilled employees for the development of their organization instead of employees who perform routine work. As a result, artificial intelligence is evolving in different industries.

Artificial Intelligence(AI) focuses on building intelligent machines which accomplish tasks that need human intelligence. It is an interdisciplinary science with multiple approaches. The advancements in machine learning and deep learning are creating wonders in almost all the industries.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a part of Artificial intelligence that allows the machine to learn from past experiences or data without programming it explicitly. It also refers to the study of making machines that can learn and develop their programs from historical data and do not require explicit programming. It works on the algorithm that learns by itself using previous data. 

For example, if we create a machine learning model for detecting an image of an apple, it gives results only for the apple image. If we give it a new image like an image of a carrot, it doesn’t respond. Machine learning is used in various platforms like ‘people you may know’ suggestions on Facebook, Google search algorithm, Apple’s Siri, etc.  For Candidates who want to advance their career, Machine Language is the best option. 

Machine learning has a wide range of applications. It can adapt and solve very complex issues in an effective, efficient, and fast way. 

We have learned what is Artificial intelligence and machine learning. Now let us learn their differences.

Differences between Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning:

  • Artificial intelligence is a technology that allows a machine to mimic human behavior, while Machine learning is a part of Artificial Intelligence that enables a machine to automatically learn from historical data without programming explicitly.
  • In artificial intelligence, we build smart systems to accomplish any task like humans, while in Machine Learning, we teach machines with past data to execute a particular task and deliver a specific result. So, the objective of Artificial Intelligence is to create a machine as intelligent as a human to solve complicated issues, while the objective of Machine Learning is to enable machines to learn from the given data to provide an accurate output.
  • The scope of Artificial Intelligence is quite wide, while there is limited scope for machine learning.
  • The Artificial Intelligence system is focused on maximizing opportunities for success, while Machine Learning concerns accuracy and patterns.
  • AI involves reasoning, learning, and self-correction, while ML involves learning and self-correction when new data is introduced.
  • Some of the applications of Artificial Intelligence are intelligent humanoid robots, Apple’s Siri, Customer support using chatbots, etc. Applications of Machine Learning are google search algorithm, Online recommender system, Facebook auto friend tagging suggestions, etc.
  • Artificial Intelligence(AI) may be divided into weak AI, General AI, and Strong AI based on the capabilities. At the same time, Machine Learning can be divided into Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, and Reinforcement Learning. 

Now, let us go through the impacts of Artificial intelligence on our society.

Positive Impacts of AI: 

There are many positive impacts of Artificial intelligence. Some of them are listed below:

  • Artificial intelligence programming can make our workplaces much more efficient and can improve the work that humans can do. When we use AI to do repetitive and dangerous tasks, it frees up employees to do the work that requires creativity and empathy.
  • Virtual presence technology makes it possible to diagnose illnesses remotely. The patient need not leave his place, but with the help of AI, doctors can check the patient virtually.
  • With enhanced surveillance and diagnosis capabilities, artificial intelligence can have a significant impact on healthcare. By improving the operations of medical organizations and healthcare facilities, Artificial Intelligence can decrease operating costs and save money.
  • The way of discovering criminal activities and solving crimes can be improved by artificial intelligence.
  • Nowadays, Facial recognition technology is becoming more and more common, along with fingerprints. So, Artificial Intelligence in the judicial system can provide numerous opportunities to determine how to use technology effectively without violating a person’s privacy.

Negative Impacts of AI:

With AI, there can be a tremendous social change that will disturb our way of life in the human community. Some of the negative impacts of AI are as follows:

  • With the gradual development of AI, humans will no longer have to work as everything will be done by machines. This can make human beings lazy. 
  • Human beings must be hardworking to earn a living, but we can perform any task without our involvement with AI. AI will even replace people for exchanging ideas which progressively declines human gathering.
  • In replacement for the workforce, Organizations will use machinery to do repetitive work. This will lead the workers to lose their jobs.
  • The gap between the poor and rich will become wider as AI investors will make more profit. Thereby Wealth inequality will arise.
  • As AI is trained to operate the given work itself, this can lead to a stage where humans will have no control over them. As AI has all the necessary algorithms to run automatically on its own, it will ignore the commands given by the human controller. 
  • Human Masters can create something that is racially biased or egocentrically oriented to harm something or people. This can lead to disaster.

Now, let us go through the impacts of machine learning on our society.

Positive Impact of Machine Learning:

Some of the positive impacts of Machine learning are as follows:

  • In Financial Services, Machine Learning can be used for fraud detection, ensuring greater security of financial assets and customers.
  • With Machine Learning, Lawyers can perform the legal work more efficiently. 
  • With Machine Learning powered solutions in healthcare, patients can benefit from improved health care results and quality of life.
  • Along with agriculture automation, weed detection, soil surveillance, and plant disease diagnostics are some of the ways Machine Learning can directly support agriculture and food production.
  • The transport sector can use Machine Learning algorithms to monitor, manage, and predict traffic flow. Such solutions are becoming more and more useful for the management of public transport.

Negative Impact of Machine Learning:

Although there are several positive impacts of machine learning, they can even lead to some negative consequences. Some of the negative impacts of Machine learning are as follows:

  • Machine Learning can create an opportunity for cyber attacks. Hackers use the same approaches that artificial intelligence developers use to design cybersecurity mechanisms to create malicious bots. 
  • Machine Learning can also increase data privacy concerns.
  • Machine Learning can also give rise to ethical and moral concerns, non-transparency problems, and the “black box problem.”

Final Words:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning help people and companies to reach their goals, make decisions, create innovative products and services, etc. While AI and machine learning helps us positively, there are negative impacts on them as well. It depends on the way we use it and the purpose we use it.

John Peter

John is a professional technology blogger who has been doing blogging for the last 5 years. He loves to write & share content about web development, software programming, digital marketing, SEO, social media, tech gadgets, etc.

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