BusinessDigital Marketing

9 Ways to Take Your Local Small Business Marketing Up a Notch in 2023

Local marketing is crucial for any small business hoping to drive sales and build brand awareness within their community. While larger companies have bigger budgets to reach wider audiences, small businesses have the advantage of being able to foster personal connections and develop expertise in their local area. Entrepreneurs can stand out among local competitors with targeted efforts and maximally leverage their closest potential customers. Here are nine impactful tips small businesses can implement to amplify their local marketing strategy and see better results.

1. Optimize Your Google My Business Listing

The first-place potential customers will look for business information online is on Google Maps. Ensuring your Google My Business listing is optimized is key. Check that all details like your name, address, phone number, and website are accurate and complete.

Make sure to claim ownership so you have access to manage the listing. You’ll also want to include high-quality, clear photos of your storefront, interior, products, and team members. Adding videos gives additional context. Respond to reviews in a timely manner and link your listing to your website and business pages on Facebook and Instagram so it drives traffic.

Keeping your Google My Business profile up-to-date lays the foundation for strong local SEO and discoverability.

2. Create Valuable Local Content

Consistently sharing valuable local insights, news, and happenings allows you to attract and engage potential customers organically. Blog regularly with localized content and promote this content on your website and social media.

Create visual assets like infographics showcasing local statistics and trends. Produce videos with tips and advice tailored to your community. When including images in your content, utilize free stock photos to add attractive visual elements to your content.

Distribute this content across local publications and influencer channels to position yourself as an industry expert in your area.

3. Focus on Search Engine Optimization

Once your online presence is represented properly, focus on optimizing your website and content for local search engine optimization. Conduct keyword research to identify the most relevant local search terms in your industry and town. Optimize web pages, blogs, and any other content around these keywords.

Consider creating landing pages specific to the services you offer that are heavily localized, like mentioning your town frequently. Linking from external local directories and citation sites can also boost your search rankings for local searches. Monitor your progress and adjust, focusing on the terms most important to drive people through your virtual and physical doors.

4. Advertise on Google and Facebook

While organic search is ideal, paid social media ads allow you to put your business in front of exactly who you want. Google and Facebook both offer options to hyper-target ads to customers within a set radius of your store location.

Consider retargeting ads to people who have already engaged with your brand online by visiting your website or interacting on social media. The detailed targeting capabilities on these platforms let you refine ads by age, gender, interests, and behaviors to increase your return on investment. Be sure to track your results so you can optimize campaigns and spend budgets where they are driving the most conversions.

5. Network Locally and Sponsor Events

Besides digital marketing, get involved with your local community through in-person networking and sponsorships. Attend chamber of commerce and industry association events to introduce your business, build connections and gain local advocacy. Sponsoring community activities like youth sports teams, charity fundraisers, and area festivals and expos provides name exposure while supporting good causes.

Introduce yourself to owners of neighboring businesses to explore partnership opportunities like cross-promotions or bundled service offerings. Get to know government and education leaders as potential brand ambassadors or future customers. Active participation helps demonstrate your commitment to strengthening the town and fuels word-of-mouth buzz.

6. Focus on Your Reviews and Reputation

These days, online reviews and reputation carry significant weight in influencing purchase decisions. Nowadays, the success of businesses depends largely on how actively they are monitoring ratings and experiences shared about their business on Google, Facebook, and specialty review sites like Yelp.

If a customer issues a complaint, contact them immediately to discuss their concerns and try turning an unhappy patron into an advocate. Likewise, don’t forget to continuously request reviews from pleased clients via email, surveys, or in-person requests. Highlighting positive reviews on your website, home page, social media, and storefront can further amplify the good sentiments. Having many glowing reviews lends additional trust and credibility to your brand.

7. Engage on Social Media

Drive ongoing conversations by actively posting engaging content tailored to your town on Facebook, Instagram, and any other social networks your customers frequently use. Run Facebook and Instagram ads promoting sales or events. Get involved in relevant group discussions and respond promptly to questions or comments on your own content.

Encourage user-generated content by incentivizing customers to tag, check in, or share reviews. Cross-promote with complementary local brands by commenting on each other’s content or running Facebook Live sessions jointly. Partnering with local micro-influencers relevant to your industry can extend your offline relationships online.

8. Use Direct Mail and Email Marketing

While emails and postcards may lack the glamor of social channels, traditional communication tools still deliver results when done right. Collect customer mailing addresses and email opt-ins whenever possible to begin personalized messaging. Send regular branded newsletters or e-bulletins recapping sales, new items, and community involvement.

Segment lists based on purchase history, location, and interests to personalize offers according to recipients’ preferences. Consider mailing exclusive discount codes or free perks like stickers, keychains, or bookmarks to nearby households. Work with local schools, neighborhoods, and sports leagues for co-branded mailers spotlighting both entities. Personal touches go a long way in small businesses.

9. Drive Foot Traffic with Eye-Catching Storefronts

Of course, making it easy for walk-by locals to learn about your business is also key. Update exterior signage with your name, hours, and tagline in an easily readable, inviting style fitting the town’s aesthetic. Dress windows with engaging displays often changed to reflect seasons or current promotions to catch passerby’s attention. At the entryway, offer bright business cards beside the doors for easy picking up.


Implementing a mix of these tested digital and grassroots local marketing tactics can boost awareness and patronage from hometown customers, new and old. Consistency and quality execution across owned channels are important, as small tweaks in messaging, delivery, or timing may result in incremental gains. Continuously monitor key metrics like website traffic, leads, sales, or reviews to gauge the success of modified strategies and double down on where they excel while testing new methods. With some focused effort behind optimized listings, localized content, and engaged community involvement, small businesses of all types can distinguish themselves from local competitors and achieve new heights.

John Peter

John is a professional technology blogger who has been doing blogging for the last 5 years. He loves to write & share content about web development, software programming, digital marketing, SEO, social media, tech gadgets, etc.